Saturday 10 November 2007

Bayerische Socks Complete

This pattern was chosen by the For The Love Of Socks KAL for Oct/Nov. The designer did herself proud with this one! They are exceptionally warm and the pattern is simply amazing. I color coded my chart which made the pattern a bit easier to follow but once I got going it was not hard and never boring. It took a skein of Regia Color each, plus a tad! I ran out in the middle of both toes (I knit them two at a time on one circular) and instead of making a special trip to the yarn shop, I waited for our gathering on Tuesday night. That left me with a weekend that I could have finished up those UFOs but noooooooooo.

At work we are having a bit of trouble with the heating and my right hand gets very cold so I searched my new best friend Ravelry and found these fingerless gloves. I had the yarn in my stash and have been dieing to see how it would knit up. I love the colors and it is very soft. The snowflake pattern doesn't show well but is fun to do. I'm part way through the second glove and then plan to get back to a sweater that just needs sewing together and one that needs ribbon and lace but it all sewn together. So many great projects and so little time. I'm off to knit in front of the fireplace with a good movie. Heaven!